Decent work and economic growth: World Steel Safety Day
Today, World Steel Safety Day and Health at Work, is a day to promote safe, dignified and healthy work. Following the objectives of the United Nations in its 2030 Agenda, and referring to the eighth goal: Decent work and economic growth, Grupo Lapuente, for some years now, has made a commitment to strengthen the safety and health of the team, incorporating an internal department of Prevention of Labor Risks. This department joins our partner Giropreven, a specialist in labor risks, safety, industrial hygiene, ergonomics, applied psychosociology and occupational medicine, who helps us achieve the safest, most dignified and healthy environment possible.
Over the years, the risks have evolved, we have worked to achieve safer production lines and to train technicians to ensure decent and safe work in our Group. However, we must be prepared to face other dangers.
With the arrival of COVID-19, companies have had to adapt to a new way of working. With this, new labor dynamics have appeared to which companies have had to adapt to guarantee this security. Social distancing, use of individual protection equipment, extreme hygiene measures in the company and sometimes, teleworking.
From the first moment, aware of the new situation, we trained our teams to be able to guarantee safe work at home as well. In this way we advised them to achieve a good ergonomic design of the workspace to avoid musculoskeletal disorders, correct lighting and location of the computer equipment to prevent visual fatigue or help them to establish a work organization, with periodic breaks and time flexibility to avoid the stress derived from working in isolation.